How to Write Your Book...Later

Hello, fellow book lovers!

Writing a book can be a daunting task. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of dedication. But with the art of procrastination, you can put off writing your book for as long as you want. (This is a reverse psychology post, meant to show you what not to do! Unless you want to procrastinate, then this is the perfect guide for you.🤣)

Here are some tips for mastering the art of procrastination and writing your book...later:

~ Set a deadline then ignore it! If you set it far enough in the future, you'll forget about it until the night before. That's when your brain will really kick into overdrive and you'll get it done!

~ Find distractions. There are plenty of distractions out there to keep you from writing your book. Social media, Netflix, and cat videos on YouTube are just a few examples. Also, you could write a blog about how to procrastinate... I hear that's the best way to do it! Use them all to your advantage and avoid writing your book at all costs.

~ Keep telling yourself you'll start tomorrow. This is the ultimate procrastination technique because tomorrow is always just a day away! Keep putting off writing your book until tomorrow, and then tomorrow, and then tomorrow again. Before you know it, you'll have procrastinated your way out of writing it all together.

~ Surround yourself with other procrastinators. Misery loves company, right? Find other writers who are also putting off writing their book and commiserate together. You can meet at a coffee shop to share your procrastination techniques and encourage each other to avoid writing at all costs.

~ Make a list of all the reasons why you can't write your book right now. This is a great way to convince yourself that writing your book is just not possible at the moment. Maybe you're too into binging that show on Netflix, or you really need to bake those cookies for your kid's bake sale next month, or that carpet needs vacuuming again... for the third time today. Whatever the reasons, make a list of them and refer to it whenever you start to feel guilty about not writing.

So there you have it! With these tips, you too can master the art of procrastination and write your book...later. Just remember, the longer you put it off, the sweeter the victory will be when you finally finish it (not really, but it sounds good...)

Happy procrastinating!

Kimberly Quay

Kimberly Quay has loved romance & fantasy as far back as she can remember. Her childhood home was full of fantasy, romance, and thriller books and movies. Born and raised in Florida, she spent most of her youth outside searching for fairies and hoping to meet (and fall in love with) a vampire.

Author of (spicy) contemporary romance, (steamy) paranormal shifter romance, and (thrilling) urban fantasy, she’s a sucker for a good rom-com and she’s fascinated by old graveyards. When she’s not working on her next novel, she’s reading or kicking her husband’s butt in darts.

Kimberly still loves reading. Especially Nora Roberts and Kim Harrison.

Plot Twists:


From Hot & Heavy to Happily Ever After...